
Read others’ memories about Shele—or leave your own below.

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51 thoughts on “Guestbook

  1. Anna Landau

    Still in shock watched the story on 48 hours. life was so short lived and so cruelly taken away by psychopathic man she called her husband.

    How such an intelligent beautiful woman married this freak and didnt see him for who he was for so many years? One wrong decision cost her life, Unimaginable tragedy…

    Condolences to the family.

  2. Toni Dana Levinson

    Working on my Danishevsky genealogy, I came upon all of the news articles about Shele. I will never forget all of the beautiful comments about Shele and her children. BDE

  3. M from the Philippines

    Read about your story in the NYT.
    Rest in Peace.
    Sending love and light to your kids and loved ones.


    To Shele’s family,

    I am so sorry for your loss, I’ve just read your story and my prayers are with you all.

    I am a survivor of domestic abuse and am so saddened that your sweet daughter, mother, friend was taken from you. So many women suffer in silence.

    Please know, there are people whom you do not even know holding you up… cheering you on for standing up for her.

    Regina <3

  5. Mr Lee


    Just read your story and you touched my heart.

    Will be praying for You, today.

    Your spirit of love and kindness shows in all your pictures, and I know you shall live as a shining angel, Forever.

    May the Blessings of God, be upon You and your family and friends.

  6. Agnes

    Baruch Hashem. May G-d live through your children. A terrible tragedy. Still in shock watched the story on 48 hours. Your life was so short lived. Condolences to the family.

  7. Jeannette Blanchette

    What a beautiful lady! I’m so sad that her life was taken from her and her family. I pray for justice for Shele. Rejoice in heaven!

  8. Jill

    As I think about all the firsts in my 15-year-old daughter’s life, so many of them involve happy memories of Shele and Anna. Emma’s first sleepover, Emma’s first ballet class, Broadway babies, Sesame Place, all of these things Shele and I did with our girls. I’m so happy that Emma remains in touch with Anna to this day. I will always love and miss my friend Shele.

  9. A. Emet

    Shele, I was so heartbroken to hear the news of your passing. You were the most kind, decent, warm, loyal and compassionate friend that anyone could have asked for. You were also an exemplary mother – so loving, nurturing, supportive and generous to your darling children, who I know meant the world to you. May you rest in peace.

  10. Elyce

    Dear Shele-I have never been one to express myself in words on paper but at this point I felt that it was important to let you and your family know that not a day goes by that I don’t think about you and the difficult life that you had. I have a permanent physical reminder. Everyday I see the scar on my leg that I got in that accident when the hot water urn fell on you (and splashed me) at Grandma’s house when you were 3 years old and I was 12. I still remember it vividly and I also remember the image of you sitting on the examining table in the hospital as a baby so helpless and so injured. Growing up, you did not have it easy. But you took those life’s experiences and grew into a wonderful and successful adult, and Mother.
    I remember the last time Steve and I saw you was at Carly’s Bat Mitzvah in Chicago, managing just fine by yourself with the two kids and those ridiculously high shoes! Again, not easy.
    I pray that you and your family find the peace and justice that you all deserve and that your kids get to know the loving family that they have been denied.

  11. Jodi

    As we just finished another family seder and are going into Chol HaMoed of Pesach, my thoughts turn to Shele, her parents, siblings and beautiful children. I am saddened by our loss of Shele and the inquisitiveness and effervescence of her daughter, Anna. My family had the good fortune to spend time with Shele, Anna and Myles in Florida for two years. We were lucky enough to take Anna with us on a few trips and thoroughly enjoyed her unique outlook on life and her yelling at the jai-a-lai players to “throw the ball”. Anna enjoyed our trip on the glass bottom boat and para-sailing. Her love of these new things reminded me of conversations with Shele about how she discovered running (something new) and what that did for her. When my daughters were little Shele joked with them about Popples, and they still remember it today! – I was glad I was able to return the favor and build memories of fun times for Anna. Shele, you were such a beautiful woman, inside and out, and are truly missed by many. I hope that justice will be soon served and that your children will be united with your loving family who will nurture them and perpetuate your memory for them. We love and miss you.

  12. Jo

    Shele, you were a talented, accomplished, decent, charitible, sweet and kind woman whose life was tragially stolen so prematurely. I pray for your darling children who you raised so magnificently, and loved beyond words. I will never forget you!

  13. Mindy

    Dear Shele,
    The two year anniversary of your Yahrzeit just passed. Two years since we lost you yet it feels like yesterday that we were forced to let go and say goodbye to you on that cold winter day.
    But Shele, you are not forgotten. What happened to you, not forgotten. You remain and will always remain in my thoughts and prayers and the thoughts and prayers of many including my family.
    When I read Shifra’s post to you, I thought WOW, how true! Your essence and your values are reflected in your daughter! (And even though he isn’t on the video, I have no doubt you live on in your son too.) So I got myself that video and now I watch that too!
    Some things can’t be forgotten; I think of how you left us every day. And I will always remember you.
    I love you,

  14. Sol Weingarten

    Jaelene and Joel,
    My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad that you are now surrounded and supported by the rest of your loving family.

  15. Benjamin Steen

    Darling Shele,

    I will always remember you as a sweet young girl growing up and growing into a beautiful woman beautiful inside as you were beautiful outside.

    I will always miss you.
    With real love from,
    Uncle Ben

  16. Dana Septimus & Joseph Feldman

    We would often run into Shele at Lincoln Square Synagogue. She was always dressed to the nines, and always made a point to come over a say hello, whether it was a Yom Haatzmaut barbeque with Myles, or the 9:45 minyan on shabbat. We also fondly remember running into her at Ben Gurion on our way back to New York. Shele we miss your warmth and welcoming nature and hope to see Anna & Myles back soon.

  17. Shifra Feldman

    Dear Shele,
    It’s been two years and I still think of you daily. I think of your bright smile that lit up a room, and one from which everyone felt your warmth. Last year I bought a simcha dancing video for our daughters to learn some of the jewish dances. The instructor chose several girls to be on the video to teach the dances alongside her, and one of the girls she chose is your daughter. She is poised, graceful and delightful to watch. Sometimes when our girls are practicing the dances on Sunday morning I just sit and watch your daughter and I think of you, Shele. How you were such an amazing mother to your children and how you touched so many people. We all miss you very much and pray for your sweet children.

  18. Nechemia and Rheta Zabrowsky

    Even though it’s Erev Shabbos, I feel compelled to respond now to the amazing display of love, concern and ahavas yisroel on the part of the extended Danishefsky family and friends.
    Ever since this tragedy occurred, the children’s names have been prayed for each week in our Tehillim group in Ramat Beit Shemesh. May we celebrate a yeshua for them very soon. Hakodesh Baruch Who knows the truth and He will cause justice to prevail.
    May Shele’s neshama have an aliya. As a mother in Israel, she was an aishes chayil who died for kiddush Hashem. We are all the poorer for our loss.

  19. Louis Cieselski

    Dear Shele,

    We only met a few times one of them being at my wedding to your cousin Mindy Steen. I hear only wonderful things about you and I can tell from getting to know Eve and Marc and other members of your family that they are all true.

    I am sad that you were taken from your family so suddenly and prematurely and that I didn’t have a chance to get to know you better. Your tragic death is a terrible loss for all who know you or never got the chance to.

    I want you to know that I care greatly about what happened to you. I pray for justice and I pray for the well-being and safety of your sweet children.

    Louis Cieselski (married to Mindy Steen)

  20. Gizzi

    My thoughts and prayers go out to your loved ones I pray that there will be justice for you. May God comfort you always. I will keep your chilredn in my prayers.

  21. Katherine Morris

    To Shele’s family,
    I’m so very sorry for your loss. I will pray for her family to have strength and I also pray you will be able to convict her killer.

    It looks like she was a beautiful person, both internally and externally. Such a huge loss!!

    Many Blessings,
    Katherine Morris

  22. Louise Karstaedt

    2 years Shele -wow! I often think of the last thanksgiving we all spent together. In giving thanks, we sometimes omit to mention privilege of knowing the people surrounding our lives. It was an honor knowing you. I am praying that the miracle of channuka will light the way to finding justice and peace for you and your beautiful children.

  23. Marta

    I opened up the paper today and instantly recognized you. You were always so kind, happy and no airs, ever. I remember asking about Myles’ name, if he was named after Miles Davis, how you smiled. I am so saddened by what happened to you. You, your children and your family are in my prayers now and always.

  24. Vicki Garfinkel Jakubovic

    I am thinking of you as the two year anniversary of your untimely death approaches. My heart is heavy with sadness, and angry for the injustice. SEnding you hugs and kisses…there just are no words….

  25. Yhudes

    Whenever I saw Shele, she always had a smile on her beautiful face. She was always interested in what everyone in the family was doing. Shele’s generosity towards others, did not have any boundaries.

    It grieves me that her young life came to such a tragic and untimely end.

    Shele, you will always have a special place in my heart; I think of you every day.

  26. Anonymous

    We think of Shele’s children and pray for their welfare. We pray that Gd watches over them and keeps them safe, despite the tragic events that forever changed their lives. We are saddened by what has become, that they are no longer able to connect with their mother’s family who misses them so. We pray pray that they are soon able to see that side of the family that cares for every aspect of their well being – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. We love you shele. May Gd continue to protect you and yours.

  27. Mindy Steen Cieselski

    dearest shele, words still elude me as i try to write to you. not a day goes by that i don’t think of you. i carry your picture with me. i think of all you accomplished and what you would have achieved had life not been suddenly and cruelly taken from you. i spent numerous shabbat days and sundays at your house and remember playing house, barbies, tag, and other games. when you joined us, everything had a new dimension, a new level of excitement. And though we weren’t in touch as frequently as our lives evolved and we went our separate ways, NYC is a small place – east or west – and it was ALWAYs such a thrill to run into you (the events, shul dinners, etc. just to name a few) and chat about the latest. And clearly that thrill I felt when you joined the fun when we were kids was experienced by your children and many adults whose lives you touched along the way. Shele I am deeply saddened that you are not with us anymore. Simchas, our world, the world at large is a different place now that are in another Space. Your n’shama should have an aliya from every mitzvah that I do, big and small, and may you rest peacefully. Mindy Steen Cieselski (with loving and caring thoughts from Louis)

  28. Chaim & Baila Koplowitz

    What an honor to have known such a remarkable woman, Shele Danishefsky Covlin. Throughout the ten years since we first met her, our admiration and respect for Shele continuously grew. She was so talented, capable and accomplished. Her passing has touched us deeply and the stories we have since heard of her courage, compassion and dedication to her children continue to inspire us daily.
    Shele and her daughter Anna joined us at our son’s Bris 3 1/2 years ago and we will always recall how sincerely she shared in our Simcha and how warmly she welcomed us at hers.
    Shele’s unique grace and sterling character made her a special person we will never forget.

    Chaim & Baila Koplowitz

  29. Ina Greszes

    The last memory I have of Shele was at Carli’s Bat Mitzvah. I remember her with her kids and how happy she was. She was running around after myles in 4 inch heels and laughing. I will never forget how happy she looked then. It stays with me till this day. I always have her children in my prayers and only wish for them the best. Shele will be greatly missed.

  30. Mindy Mailman Zaslow

    My earliest memory of Shele is when I used to come over to my cousin’s house and play barbies with Eve and Shele. Shele always had her barbies dressed very fashionably but for some reason she would always end up cutting their hair very short. We would play for hours. When we were older and had children our girls became extremely close and we would love to get together. Shele and I would discuss what was going on with our children. Shele was an amazing mother and her children were her entire world. Everything she did revolved around what was best for them. Shele, not a day goes by that I don’t think about you. We all miss you terribly. When I bake my challah for Shabbos I say the bracha in your merit and I pray that it will elevate your neshama. I think about you and how you raised your children in such a warm and beautiful Jewish home.

  31. Rhona

    To My Dearest Friend Shele,
    There are no words to describe the world’s loss of such a wonderful, kind, caring, special individual. I still see your beautiful face and sparkling eyes everyday. I think of the fun we always had together, the phone calls, the special friendship, and trying to figure out where we would go for the evening. Unfortunately, I also think of the tears you shed in my arms. I hope and pray that you are at peace now, and you watch over Anna and Myles, and your whole family, and give them the strength from above to endure all of this. The world lost a beautiful, special person, and senselessly. May Hashem grant strength to all who knew you and suffered such a horrible loss. Sorry Shele it took me so long to write this. I just couldn’t find the inner strength. I miss you so.

  32. John & Mary Clare Decker

    Our thoughts and prayers are with Shele’s children, and the Danishefsky family during this difficult time. Shele was the model of professionalism, and an excellent Financial Advisor. May her genuine acts of kindness, and warm, compassionate personality serve as examples to live by.

    -John & Mary Clare

  33. Chananyah Pinsky

    In June 2009 I became a relative of Shele’s by marrying one of her cousins. I had the opportunity of spending a Shabbos with Shele in January 2009. Although it was brief, my meeting with her will not be forgotten. I remember thinking: “Ah, another future relative that is caring, responsible, and genuine.” That week my wife and her sister took fun trips to the beach and parasailing with Shele’s children. That was one of the last innocent, pure, and carefree moments of their lives –and mine, and all of us affected by this unfortunate tragedy. May G-d comfort the mourners among the mourners of Zion, and may the best possible happy ending to this disturbing story happen speedily. Amen.

  34. Carmen Ferragano

    I shall always remember Shele for her professionalism, compassionate understanding and warm personality. Through the years she became more than my financial advisor, she became my friend. Our conversations addressed my concerns and evolved into discussions of world events and life’s ups and downs. I miss our talks, her wise counsel and her joyful outlook on life. She is sorely missed.

  35. Etzine Family

    On one occasion, I remember our grocery shopping together. I watched in awe as you expertly juggled your shopping, while also caring for your littles ones with a love and devotion that I found so touching. That was classic you – an exceptional and doting mother!
    May you rest in peace dearest Shele.

  36. Robyn Sturm Safier

    I was friendly with Shele during our single days. We met in Flordia one Shavuot and became friends. We made a simchat torah party together and spent a memorable New Years Eve together – I still remember seeing the fireworks in Central Park among other highlights of that evening. My heart goes out to the entire family – to lose a loved one so early in life – and Shele was always full of life. May her memory be cherished by all who loved her.

  37. Charles Bahn

    Shele You meant so much to so many good people,and to everyone in your circle you deserve more than our praise. You deserve that your children grow to be the best that you would have wanted them to be,inspired by sweet memories of you.This is our challenge and blessing .

  38. Warren Handelman

    I only knew Shele a short while but it did not take long to discover the kindness and giving nature of Shele. She became a good friend very fast. We will always remember you Shele.

  39. Daniel Feder

    Dear Shele,
    Your memory and the well being of your wonderful children are constantly in our thougths and prayers. Every time we pass by the Dorchester, it is a reminder of what your family, friends and the community has lost. We pray that justice will be served and that your blood will be avenged.
    Dan Feder

  40. Karen Brooks

    We miss you terribly…and send our love and support to the entire family.
    Jacques, Karen, Harrison and Ava

  41. Donna Hoffman

    My Dear Friend Shele,
    I miss you more than words can say. You were such a true friend – a wonderful mother, sister and daughter. I still see your smiling face and laughing eyes.
    You will live on in our hearts forever! I pray that you are at peace in gan eden – able to watch over your children, parents, siblings, family and friends.
    I still can’t believe that you are not here. How alive you still seem.
    Thank you for your friendship, encouragement, strength and laughter.
    I will NEVER forget you!

  42. Louise Karstedt

    Darling Shele
    I cannot believe that I am writing this memorial to you. My heart breaks, knowing that I will never see your gorgeous face again, nor have a chance to talk and laugh together, as we used to do. Your passing has left an empty void in all our lives, which will never be filled again.
    Rest in peace Shele, until we meet again.

  43. Keren Wolnerman

    Shele was an angel! I’m still so shocked at her tragic death. My heart goes out to Shele’s adorable children and her lovely family.

  44. Shoshi Pachima

    Dear Shele,
    From the first time that I met you, until the last Thanksgiving that we shared together in 2009, I had always found you to be a wonderful, kind and sweet person, who had a heart of gold. I’ll always treasure my memories of that last Thanksgiving meal, where we all had so much fun together.
    I miss you dear friend!


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